Link Builder

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Welcome to the Linkbuilder of MediaMarktSaturn.

There are currently two Versions of the linkbuilder: a rbtc-Version which generates the old rbtc-Parameter and a utm-Version.
The Default Version of the Linkbuilder is the UTM-Version. You can easily switch between the Versions by clicking the blue button.

1. Insert the Landing Page URL
2. Select the Source: This is e.g. the publisher/ad network name or the tool vendor you are using the link at. e.g. "idealo", "Axel Springer Media Impact" or "DV360"
3. Select the Medium: This is the advertising format you are using the link at. e.g. dis-billboard
4. Decision Id/Term: Insert information you want to see in the "Keyword" dimension in Google Analytics or ServerSideTracking. Leave empty if not required.
5. Transfer Id/Content: Insert information you want to see in the "Ad Content" dimension in Google Analytics or ServerSideTracking. Leave empty if not required.
6. Label (rbtc-only): Select Brand or Product or leave empty. The information shows up in the custom Dimension "Attribution Label" in Google Analytics. Only relevant for rbtc-Parameter, not used anymore with UTM-Parameter.
7. Campaign: Insert your campaign name.
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OriginFlag _ ChannelgroupingName _ CampaignPurpose _ SponsorshipInfo _ CrossChannelCampaignID _ UserDefinedTextField
OriginFlag ChannelgroupingName CampaignPurpose SponsorshipInfo CrossChannelCampaignID UserDefinedTextField
You are using the UTM-Version of the Linkbuilder.
Landing Page URL Vendor/Source Product/Medium Decision Id/Term Transfer Id/Content Campaign URL